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TOPIC: Modifying A Rockettheme Template

Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #200

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
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Hi everyone,

I'm new to website building and I have no knowledge in this field. I'm using joomla to build my website and I already have a host where I have download joomla via my hosting company. I've downloaded a rockettheme template and uploaded it in joomla but I do not know how to customize the template or make changes to the layout of it. I will be grateful if someone could advise me. I've managed to copy and paste the website page to a word file but I can't past it here for you to see.
Kind Regards
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #201

  • joomtorial
Hi Paul,

It would be of great help if you could show your website (url) and explain what it is you exactly want to change in the layout of the template.
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #204

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
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My website url is www.redrouteparking.com
I'm trying to remove all the current information on the template and customize it so it no longer looks like the a standard template but has my own look and feel. I've managed to remove some of the sub-headings for resources on the left hand side. I'm slowly working through each of the headings in joomla to see what will be easy to unpublish in order for certain items not to be seen on the website. Also the colum on the left where it says main menu, I would like to move over to the right hand side of the web page. I hope this information will be more helpful.

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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #205

  • joomtorial
Hi Paul,

You are doing the good thing! Starting with Joomla Demo content, that, especially when not 100% familiar with Joomla and RocketTheme yet, can be a great help. Perhaps a nuisance to remove all unwanted items now, but this is for you an easier way than start all empty.

As for your first question - remove the Joomla left Main Menu to the Right side.

In your Joomla Administration, go to: Extensions > Module Manager
[attachment=2:htmvnw99]<!-- ia2 -->module_manager.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:htmvnw99]

Then, in the list on that module manager page, on the left side, you should see an entry called, Main Menu. Click on the name Main Menu.
[attachment=1:htmvnw99]<!-- ia1 -->menu_left.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:htmvnw99]

When you are in the Main Menu, where it says "position" choose "right" in the drop down list and save your settings.
[attachment=0:htmvnw99]<!-- ia0 -->left.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:htmvnw99]

Your menu should now show on the right side.
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #206

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
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I've now managed to remove all the headings and sub-headings which were on the left and right hand side of my webpage but I'm having difficulty in removing the general content on each page so I can put my own information on the pages and move the main menu column over to the other side of the page so it's on the right hand side instead of being on the left where it is now. I've also seen other threads on various websites stating that I need to use adobe fireworks to customize a rockettheme template, would this be true.

Kind Regards
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #207

  • joomtorial
Hi Paul,

A few general rules in a RocketTheme template.

As a rule, you can be sure of it, when it is on the left or on the right of the page, it is a module.

When it is in the middle it is most likely (not always) a Joomla article. The articles and its content you should be able to change/remove under the menu in your administrator panel: Content > Article Manager.

Sometimes the right hand module for a menu is not directly set in the module, but rather in the template configuration. That could be the case here.

As for adjusting template graphics. Yes you would need Adobe Fireworks fro that to make changes to the original graphic source files that you can download as well on RocketTheme.

If you cannot find something - like the menu going to the right side - I am happy to help. Maybe you can create a superuser account for me so I can help you set it properly.
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #208

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
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Hi Piet,

That was an excellent explanation. Adding the images to show where I should be going was very helpful and I've now managed to move the main menu column over to the right hand side. For some reason the background colour that should be red and should be in the column of the main menu has turned white. I'm trying to turn this back to red but have had no luck so far. If it's helpful, you can have a look at the original template that I downloaded from rockttheme. http://demo.rockettheme.com/?template=versatility4

Kind Regards
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #209

  • joomtorial
Hi Paul,

Coul dbe a few things, but from what I can see, try as shown on the picture. You will need to go into your module > Main Menu as shown on the screenshot.
[attachment=0:34e0f987]<!-- ia0 -->hilites.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:34e0f987]

Once there, choose a hilite style as shown here: http://demo.rockettheme.com/nov08/index ... yle=style9
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #210

  • jay973
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 45
  • Karma: 0
Hi Piet,

Your explanation was very good. I managed to change it by going through the different hilite numbers until I found the correct one. Once I changed the module class suffix I then had to change the menu style in the module parameters to legacy vertical so that the text would be white. I now know how to remove the content on the webpage by going to content - article manager then unpublishing the relevant information. Is it best to rename the content and re-use it or should I completly delete it and create new articles and publish them.

Kind Regards
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Modifying A Rockettheme Template 15 years, 1 month ago #211

  • joomtorial
Is it best to rename the content and re-use it or should I completly delete it and create new articles and publish them.

Hi Paul,

Glad to hear you found out how to get the menu you like. As for the content.

I would say, rename the title and re-use. That way your menus and the menus linked/pointed to those articles stay intact.
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