No more tedious browsing to find your Joomla video tutorial. offers an easy downloadable ZIP package which you can always watch, whether you are online or not.
 As can be read in our FAQ's, users like the fact they are capable of watching where ever and when ever they want, without the need to be online to watch the Joomla Video Tutorials. You could even upgrade your Joomla skills while on the plane!
We have chosen to offer our videos as a download, because we want our users to have it on their desktop and not be dependent on their internet connection. Most of us will have a broadband of highspeed internet connection, but we do not all have the latest and most modern PC or Mac.
Our experience is that when having to watch online videos, the PC or Mac might just stutter a bit, because it can be quite heavy on the processor, being online, watching an online stream, some machines just do not cope with that.
With our videos tutorials and being able to directly watch them from your desktop, you will not have this stutter problem. The video tutorials will be fast and snappy.